Find Delivery Men Around Miga, Jigawa

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Delivery cost
How much does Delivery cost?
Prices of Delivery in Nigeria depend on the size of the home and the type of cleaning needed. Find out how much Delivery Men charge around you.
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Frequently asked questions

How much does it cost to deliver a parcel within Lagos?

Deliveries within the Lagos Mainland or Island cost ₦700 to ₦1, 500, while deliveries from Lagos Mainland to Island or vice versa cost ₦1,000 to ₦3,000 for parcels of 5kg or less.

How long does it cost to make interstate deliveries?

Interstate delivery costs ₦2,000 to ₦15,000 per parcel of 5kg or less on average. Interstate deliveries usually take 3-14 days depending on the location and size of the item. Heavier items usually cost higher and take a longer period to deliver.

Is it safe to use trucks to deliver items?

It is safe if the item is Large and not fragile. Although, some delivery services still use trucks to make long-distance deliveries for fragile items by dedicating a part of the truck to fragile items. You need to confirm this before allowing them to deliver any fragile item for you.

If your package is very small, it can get lost in the large pile of goods they are delivering. To avoid this, your item can be given to the driver himself to keep beside him. If you cannot get this assurance, the safety of your package is not guaranteed.

How do I find dispatch riders near me?

Use our website, VisCorner. It connects you with reliable dispatch riders nearest to you.

Should I hire through a delivery company or just a dispatch rider?

Both can be hired. A good way to check is if either of them is trying to build a brand name or has a brand name to protect. If this is the case, they will take customer satisfaction seriously.

Most delivery companies usually have a brand name to build or protect, but that is not the same for all dispatch riders that work alone.

Do you provide Delivery? Register your business for free to get Delivery jobs near you.
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