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Swimming Pool Construction cost
How much does Swimming Pool Construction cost?
Prices of Swimming Pool Construction in Nigeria depend on the size of the home and the type of cleaning needed. Find out how much Swimming Pool Contractors charge around you.
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Frequently asked questions

How much does swimming pool construction cost in Nigeria?

Swimming pool construction would cost ₦2,000,000 - ₦10,000,000 in Nigeria. This is the price you would pay for everything to be done, the materials and fee of the company constructing the pool. The kind of pool you want and it design would also affect the pricing.

Which type of swimming pool lasts the longest?

The Acrylic pool lasts the longest. It is also very expensive. It can over 200 years. This not what many people mean when they think of a pool lasting long. This is why people settle for the concrete pool which lasts for a lifetime and is considerably cheaper.

Can every house have a swimming pool?

Yes, as long as there is space for the pool. Swimming pool installers have gotten very creative with constructing pools. You don't even have to use floor space for your pool. It can be above the ground on in the design of the house.

How can I decide the best swimming pool for my house?

You will need to contact a professional swimming pool installer to tell you. This is because factors like soil topography, weather condition, space available and the design wanted needs to be considered. This will help the swimming pool installer to tell you what kind of pool is the best.

Should I pay the whole money to the swimming pool installer or buy the materials myself?

This is entirely dependent on your knowledge of the needed swimming pool materials. Many Nigerians are skeptical about paying all the money to the swimming pool installer and just getting the pool in return. They want to be the ones to buy the materials and just pay the installer his own fee. This is a smart way to save cost if you are certain you would be buying the original materials. If you are not, just let the swimming pool installer buy the materials for you.

How long does it take to construct a swimming pool?

It can take from at least two days to a month to construct a swimming pool. This is just dependent on the kind of pool, weather condition and availability of materials.

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